Per my post on political civility:
For me, it's not so much the yelling, the anger, the passion. If you can get passionate about this country's electoral process, that's a lot better than being apathetic about it :). What does bother me a lot -- and I come across it both online and in person, although luckily most of my friends are good about it -- is when someone can't understand the brute fact that the person on the other side of the political spectrum may be as intelligent and well-informed as you are. The next time I hear "They're too stupid to be allowed the right to vote", "You simply haven't looked into all the facts", "He just isn't old enough yet to have the right perspective on things", "Bush is a moron", "Kerry is an empty suit", the conversation is over. Done. And you've lost, no matter whether you're agreeing or disagreeing with me.
UPDATE: I initially decided against linking directly to The Mirror because I'm really offended by their message, but I've changed my mind about linkage. Clicking on the picture should now take you to the Mirror's Front Pages page.
I know, I hate that!! The Democrats are really shoving that down our throats this year, and they act like Republicans all know nothing! Well, I'm sure we sometimes feel the same way about them, but somehow I don't think we'd post it as a public "fact"! The Democrats are not as high and mighty as they think they are, and Kerry is certainly not the best choice for our country. That doesn't mean that Bush is either, but just because we'd rather have him than Kerry doesn't mean we're "dumb". It is simply our preference, and does not make us any less intelligent than we were before Election Day. :P
If you'll follow the provided link to my post from which I quoted, you'll see that I dealt with exactly that question. I'm a step ahead of you here :).
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